2021 Summer - Women 2 (Monday)    Back to league selection

Please Note: Rankings will be dynamically updated based on placement data input by staff. Thus this page may not reflect the final league rankings for the current week.

Week 1

If you are going to be a no show for this weeks games, please click here to report it to our staff. Thanks!

To report subs for this week please click here.

Tier 1 / Court # 1 A Smelly & Spikey
B Erica & Jodie
C Big and Slow

Tier 2 / Court # 2 A Spring Action
B Tess
C Minions

Tier 3 / Court # 3 A Sets Like Jello   (no show)
B Mom and Me   (no show)
C Mew Mew   (no show)

Tier 4 / Court # 4 A Smack That Pass
B Can you dig it?   (no show)
C Smash Bros

Tier 5 / Court # 5 A Who's The Boss
B Lil Hitters
C Practice Safe Sets

Tier 6 / Court # 6 A Spiked Punch (Larocque)
B Diggity   (no show)
C Beers and Lawnchairs

Tier 7 / Court # 7 A Spiked Punch (St Jacques)
B Hurtin Units
C Dead Man's Beach

Tier 8 / Court # 8 A Eat Sand
B Moms I'd like to block   (no show)

Tier 9 / Court # 9 A New Chicks on the Block   (no show)
B The Digletts
C Kaboom